
Friday, November 2, 2012

I Love

Boys who have seen advent swap presents for them!! Oh the excitement - let's just say there are 2 boys really looking forward to December!!

Cupcakes with someone who is 4

Breakfast brunch with my sister - I love that I have the kind of sister where we can both cry talking about a lovely picture book one of us has never even read. Yeah - we're 'emotionally gifted'.

finding my boys on our bed reading their baby books before school one morning

Photos from the athletics day Daddy went to

Fabric bargains - marked down to $7 a metre - rung onto the til for $3.50m (so then I went back and got some polka dots as well)

Washing on the line - 3 loads, no line space left and no those days


  1. What a lovely lot of loving. Aren't baby photos the best! My kids love them too. Have a great weekend.

    1. I love how much they get excited by their baby photos.

  2. I'm sure you know this already, but your boys are so blimmin' cute!!! Sounds like a great week :) Have a fantastic weekend xx

    1. yeah I think that too but clearly - slightly biased!

  3. That cupcake shop looks amazing. LOVE hanging washing on the line there is nothing better than getting in to bed at night with fresh clean sheets with the smell of sunshine on them.


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