
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Make My Week #43 New Look 6000

I bought this pattern a while ago because I loved the pleated part so much but it takes a heap of fabric and I haven't quite managed to get around to that view.

But the other day I picked up some fabric reduced to $6m and with another 30% off and so for $7.40 or something crazy I bought this cotton drill and made the plain version with the short sleeves. I love this fabric so much. It's very William Morris I think.

Often when I am sewing I lengthen the hem only to find I have way too much length at the end so this time I cut it exactly and oh me, I literally overlocked and turned. This pattern is short!

The sleeves have a cute pleat detail on top (that is very hard to self-photograph!!) and I used an exposed zip. I quite like using hard looking exposed zips on super feminine clothes just to give them some spunk. (The Atlas told me I had spunk - personality wise - last night! He is so awesome.)

I graded the pattern from a 12 in the body to a 14 at the top to make some room for my 'Taranaki Shoulders'.

This is the second dress I have made this month - the other one is here. I'm wearing the dress with the camper boots The Atlas bought me when we were in Milan before we had kids and a mortgage!

To see what other creative people are up to click on the button on the right.
For other clothes I've made
For all my creative endeavours lately.
Clothes I'm wearing on pinterest
There are lots of people who have made this New Look 6000 pattern google it for more incarnations.


  1. This turned out beautifully! I love the pattern, but the small adjustments really make it a custom piece. And the print is darling as well. This makes me want to break out my sewing machine this weekend!


    1. yay I love that - I often feel inspired by other people's sewing posts too!

  2. I love your boots! Looking for grey or that subtle red/maroon but looks like I'll have to go to Milan to get them :)

    1. they are very comfortable. I did see some red ones I loved the look of in overland a while ago

  3. Lovely! Great print on the fabric, the red boots look really great. I can see it with a chunky red necklace too, or a string of red beads.

  4. what a gorgeous dress, totally making me want to have a bash at making clothes x

    1. thanks - I'm sure yours would be uber styly!!

  5. Wow - I love the fabric and the style of this!!
    If only, for boots like that - beautiful!

    1. Thanks so much Jennie - the fabric definitely makes it for me

  6. Great dress! I love the cut and the fabric is great. I'm sure you'll get a lot of wear from it.

  7. Your sewing skills are to be admired. Cute dress!

  8. That is extremely impressive Miriam! The cut of the dress is wonderful, and I totally agree - that fabric rocks! Nice work pairing them with those awesome red boots too. :)
    Ronnie xo

    1. What a lovely comment. I am really pleased with the finished product :o)

  9. Love love love this dress! You look fabulous, such vibrant fabric xxx

    1. Wow Zoe - thanks so much. high praise from a sew-er I admire greatly!! :o)

  10. That looks awesome, you really make the print rock teams with the boots....I would love to see the red dress pattern style on you aswell :)

    1. thanks I am looking forward to watching your gertie makes!


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