
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Make My Week #42 and October Giveaway

Okay so remember I promised a giveaway every month this year? - you forgot? Well, never fear I absolutely did not!

Anyway first things first is this weeks creation - a while ago I saw this gorgeous embroidery on pinterest and so last week I sprung from there and made myself a rather much larger version with smaller houses.... weird huh?
Here is the original:
Source: via Miriam on Pinterest

Here is mine:

I just freestyled it - looked at the picture once and then went for it with no clear plan. I am very pleased with the results though.

I love this. And if you look very closely you'll see there are some little lighted windows along the street.
This was inspired from these bible verses - (I also happen to like the song this little light of mine more than most).
14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

However since I've made it I also am reminded of the following lines
'I seen the little light' from Catherine Mansfield's short story The Dolls House
and also 'some windows are lighted but mostly they're dark' from Oh The Places You'll Go by Dr Seuss.

I'd like to try one on black fabric with white stitching next. Does anyone else have a thing for houses? I love little houses. The fabric in my header appealed for that very reason.

Anyway on to the giveaway....this month you get to choose between the cameo ring, the cameo brooch or a wee pencil brooch. All made by me and I'll either send you the original or make a new one for you.

Leave me a comment and let me know which you would pick. Or just leave a nice comment about my wee houses and say if you're not entering - I won't be offended.

Open internationally - let's share the love people. Closing at the end of the month or when I tire of reminding people to enter. (I'm a little unpredictable like that!!)

because I might be flying away to a romantic rendezvous with The Atlas today I won't be responding to comments until next week but don't let that stop you ....

Joining in with a team of inspiring makers at Our Creative Spaces - button on the right.

For other stuff I've made recently
Other stuff I'd like to make on pinterest.


  1. Woohoo! Romantic getaways! Have fuuun ;)

    Love your little embriodery, that must have taken forever!

    for the giveaway i'll put my hand up for a pencil brooch please :D


  2. oh Miriam, i love this project(i like little houses too, and not just doll houses-I've been making little houses out of fimo too!). I'd love a wee pencil crayon brooch so count me in the draw please
    have a lovely time away x

    1. Fimo houses? Sounds very interesting. Your dolls house is a major source of awesomeness!

  3. It turned out sooo beautifully (and may I say I prefer it to the original inspiration - its somehow more delicate). I love the pencil brooch in the middle of the pic - the colour combo is the most appealing to me.

    1. Thank you I lost a bit of my confidence when I put the original photo in

  4. I love your version much more than the first... the houses are so cute! and definately make a white on black version! cute! I would love the pair of earrings or brooch :) thankyou x

    1. Thanks I do like it - it is quite different which is how it should be!

  5. I love your gorgeous wee embroidery, those houses are adorable!
    I'll put my hand up for the cameo ring please.
    Have a great time away!

  6. Love your little houses and I especially love the little lights - very very cute. No entries for me thanks even though I think they're all great! Have a wonderful time away x

  7. Oh I love cameos. I can't choose between the ring or brooch but since I have fat fingers I pick brooch.

    I love the teeny houses! You have such great stitching hands!

    1. ha ha my fingers are hardly delicate either! :o)

  8. Hope you're having a great holiday!
    I love your stitched houses - I like houses too!
    If I was lucky enough to win I'd choose a pencil brooch!

  9. Very inspiring embroidery.. I love the cameo brooch!

  10. I love the little houses. Frankie says they must have been really difficult. She also says the pencil broach is best.


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