
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

B.M.W.B # 42 Practical Generosity

As a parent I think a bit about what kind of boys I hope my sons will be when they are adults.
At the moment the main words I think about are - strength, compassion, gentleness and generosity. The thing is though these things are kind of hard to measure so I am trying to get them to practice these things now at their own age level.

We have just finished putting together our Operation Christmas Child boxes which we have done together for the last 2 years. I love the way you can watch videos of children receiving their gifts, read stories that make you realise your impact and how the boys can pick stuff they would love to get.

This weekend we also shared a stall at a local crafty market. Jamie (another chch blogger) and her daughter generously said we could have half their table. So during the week we made treat-y foods and Flip spent time studying the Gifts For Life catalogue, because I promised them for every thing they made at the market they could choose gifts from the brochure to buy. I love that they were happy and excited about that. It didn't occur to them that they should be making money for themselves.

The market itself didn't offer the best weather (check out the little faces above!) - by 10am this is what we were like to shelter from the rain and the wind was blowing all our little signs around. Some other lovely stall-holders bought some bits from the boys which they loved.

We came home cold and wet but happy we had just stocked up the firewood!! Then Ma and Aunty N came round and we made them a stall and they bought some more things as well. (I think they were especially keen given the sweet nature of the stall holders and the slow sales they had had!!)

Then in the afternoon on a trip to see friends we also packed up a bag of cupcakes and gave them away - because all generous behaviour is good.

Do you think much about the kind of adults you are hoping to raise?
What characteristics do you most hope for?

This year I am making more of a conscious effort to have quality moments with my boys. B.M.W.B (becoming the mama I want to be)  is my way of recording and hopefully inspiring other mama’s too. 
Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be.


  1. Lovely Miriam, we are definitely aiming for similar qualities in our girls - kind, caring, patient, loving, generous, responsible, mild mannered and all round good natured. We love that they assume all things made, bought or baked are always for someone else... It does of course make it a nice treat when something is for them!

    1. that is really sweet and I love the joy they get when the treat is for them

  2. I hoping to give my kids the same always a thought provoking post.. and thankyou for your link to the operation Christmas Child.. I think it will teach my kids a great lesson :)

  3. So generous...the Operation Christmas Child is such a great cause...we too have been involved for many years...this year we crafted and sewed and packed 100 boxes through church. Love our involvement every year. xxx


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