
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday - The Numbers Game

Hello lovely players and visitors! It is a pleasure to have your company today!

This week I have been thinking a lot about ladies and their numbers.

Source: via Jason on Pinterest

As an adult I've been about 10kg lighter than I am now and I've been about 6kg heavier than I am now. I'd be lying if I said there weren't a couple of kilos I'd be happy to wave goodbye to but for the most part I am happy. Intentionally happy with my body - I try to focus on the bits I like and I am very, very grateful for all the functionality of my body. My body (and yours!) are miraculous, wonderful things that help us enjoy, sustain and even carry life.... that blows me away.

That's not to say I don't hold all this in tension - there are photos I choose not to post and angles of my chin/s  and the tops of my arms I edit out. As much as there are women who profess to love their stretch marks because they are the 'marks of motherhood' I'd be happy with my 2 boys and rock-hard abs! There are days I feel dissatisfied with myself but I am learning.

Then there are the crazy size numbers - depending on the shop I can be anything between a size small and a size large??? or any number from 10-14. And yet often women feel so embarrassed of even sharing our numbers when shopping with a friend - have you ever paused before asking your shopping partner or a shop assistant to grab you a larger size? - ever felt like you need to apologise for your size or that you chose the wrong one going into the changing room??

How do you feel about your numbers? Do they stop you enjoying the amazing, miraculous, life-giving body you occupy? Has dissatisfaction with your body stopped you from dressing up for life?

I know kind of a heavy post but I really, really want to create an environment here where we all acknowledge we don't have air-brushed bodies, we don't have stylists, we don't have unlimited time and money to spend on ourselves - but we are beautiful, interesting, unique women and we bring beauty to the world.
(These posts won't always be so serious and wordy I promise!)

I'd love you to leave me a comment about your own feelings about your 'numbers', and if it resonates with you, consider talking about it in a ww post sometime.

This week I am rocking out my new dress. I am trying to make a garment of clothing each month - this is my Spring September Dress - you can read more about it here.

Dress - free, made last week - fabric I was given for a birthday 4 years ago, zip free, pattern already had
Shoes - bought about 5 years ago from No.1 shoes - cheapies
Accessories - rings - wedding, engagement and one I designed and The Atlas had made for me for our 2nd anniversary (when we both had jobs and no mortgage and no kids!)

Every Wednesday, Every Wardrobe Welcome.

So what is Wardrobe Wednesday?
  • It's a chance to take some time once a week to peel off the polar fleece trackies (I have a pair too!!) and put on something that makes yourself feel worthwhile and good about life!
  •  It's a time to celebrate and hopefully to embrace your body however you find it - post baby, young or old your body is lovely and functional and precious and I want this place to be a place for you to see other women (ordinary, beautiful women) who don't live in designer homes on designer budgets with designer bodies.
How to play?
1. Link in your specific blog post not just your general blog
2. Link to a post about clothes - that's what we're here for
3. Please add a link back here so other people can come over and see people's clothing posts too - the old fashioned way or grab a button
4. Be encouraging and visit people - leave a comment now and again too everyone loves to get encouragement

Here's the button copy and paste away
Create Hope Inspire Wardrobe Wednesday

Kiwi players are welcome to enter my delish September giveaway here

Thanks so much for joining in - I look forward to visiting your post.
Miriam x


  1. Yay! I finally found who hosts Wardrobe Wednesday! Pretty pretty dress, you're so clever

    1. Thanks Melissa, I'm so glad you found us and joined in!

  2. Wow you dress is AMAZING! And I love how the shoes make the little bits of turquoise/teal in your dress pop!

    About the whole numbers thing (a great post btw) I went through a patch in my late teenage/early 20s where I became consumed by this - and pretty much had an eating disorder... I was way too skinny. Fortunately it only lasted about a year or so when I realised in the middle of it that my body didn't look like a woman with curves etc, but that my excessive dieting and exercise had made me look like I had the body of a young boy! Not cool! Anyway I think it's so silly to be consumed by those things and I know now that I'll never have a problem with that ever again! It did take me a while to accept my bra size though (10DD/12D) but man bras are so much better when they fit properly!!

    1. I so agree give me a decent, well fit bra anyday no matter what the numbers are!

  3. wowzers that dress looks amazing on you! well done you!

  4. oh yeah, and I've basically been on a diet and counting calories since I was 9.(I brought me first calorie counter book with my pocket money around that age)
    as an adult have been 15 kgs less than I am now (was underweight) and am currently at my heaviest un pregnant and hate it.

    1. yip - and yet you are beautiful just as you are - but let's face it it's what our heads say to us that matter. I think you're hot!

  5. Goodness miriam!! You look FAB in that dress! I think thats where numbers dont matter - if you are truely wearing something that flatters your unique body you will look fabulous, despite numbers!

    This week i went and bough a new pair of levis, I've had hand me down ones before, but never paid so much for one pair of jeans in my life!!! I really felt like embracing my new hip size now that my daughter is one. Time to settle into the fact that i have changed. SOOO sick of have jeans just that little bit too small around the waist, feeling uncomfortable and lousy in them and then not wearing them and choosing my old maternity jeans instead. *sigh*

    You know what? I feel amazing in my new jeans. they are comfortable, actually fit, and love looking at my bum in them ;) Numbers schmumbers


    1. go girl - good fit over small number every time!

  6. As usual you look fantastic! I haven't had a photo taken yet, currently got enough layers on that I look like a polar bear. I would have to say I'm not currently happy with my body and it's size, but that's my own fault for giving in to my sugar/icecream addiction way too often and not exercising. I'm starting all that again this week, I'm not giving up the sweet stuff completely, but I am going to make what I eat. I'm also getting back on the bike (as soon as the weather improves; today might be pushing it). I really want to make myself a new dress and to do that I need to have some idea of what size I'm going to be.

    1. oh yes I give in to my whims so often and exercise - what is that!

  7. Love the dress. You look gorgeous. Would so love to get into making my own clothes and trying the ideas for upcyling that I have found. So get the whole numbers game. I am definitely past it and enjoy looking for things that look good and fit well.

    1. I agree look good and fit well - SO much more important than the number inside the garment!

  8. You in that dress - Amazing!
    Numbers are just numbers and I dont ever want it to define who I am. at the same time though I go through "fat" phases... luckily it usually coincides with my husband feeling he could loose a few and we then review our diets and make some adjustments. We have a goal and a reward if we reach it - so far this strategy has worked the 2 or 3 times we did this over the last 10 years or so :)
    But in general I dont like to make a deal of my size or anyone else's size for my girls' sake. It is something that I really dont want them growing up being any more concious off than they need to be. A balanced lifestyle and a happy girl with healthy self respect will always be attractive :)
    They are just numbers - much like age, they dont mean anything :)

    1. Yes I imagine with parenting girls it is certainly something you want to protect them from even if just in your own home x

  9. I love everything about this dress and it looks fantastic on you along with the colourful shoes

  10. Wowsa miriam! stunning woman in a stunning dress! i'm so envious of your sewing skills!!! and of course your shoe collection!!

  11. Love this dress!! You look stunning in it!

    Yeah I'm in a bit of a slump at the moment, and I know a new outfit could help it... completely understand the numbers embarrassment at the store...especially in the young hip one's.... however living in the country I think I can easily avoid the issue, it's when I go to the city that the frumpiness comes to the forefront.

    Still I have plans to make some more of my clothes... your monthly makes is a true inspiration for me..

    which brings me to ask - what is the pattern number??? ")

    1. Someone else asked that too - its NewLook 6805 I think but double check online or in a store to make sure the picture looks similar

  12. wow you look amazing!! love that dress. i have been going through similar struggles too. i just feel like when i TRY to lose weight, all i do is gain. when when i do nothing, i lose. or something. i just constantly go through periods of being really unhappy with how i look - it's weird.

    1. It's the being unhappy that sucks though isn't it? Way more than the kilos or loss/gain thereof

  13. So glad I found you from Still Being Molly. Love this post. I was always so hung up on trying to squeeze into certain sizes that I literally would squeeze in and I realized after looking at pictures that that doesn't look good and no one knows what the tag says anyway! Thanks for the reality check. You look great in your dress.

    1. Thanks for joining in Lins it's lovely to have you. I know what you mean about squeezing in just so you can say what number you wear even if the larger size would look more flattering

  14. Love this dress and I love your honesty even more! I can relate SO much to your words. I have twin boys and the belly to prove it, and while I know I look fine, even thin to most people, on most days I feel pudgy and yucky about my body. My size range is similar to yours...anything from a 10 to a 14, and of course when I can fit into a 10 it makes me feel so much skinnier. Those numbers can be little devils, can't they? Thanks again for your honesty and helping me to feel more comfortable in my own skin. :)

    1. Thanks for your encouragement and solidarity - it's always nice to feel we aren't alone on the journey xx

  15. This dress is amazing! I just found your blog and I was scrolling down thinking "WHERE DID SHE BUY THAT!?" You have great taste (and skills)!

    1. Thank you so much - I am really pleased with how it turned out

  16. Lovely dress, and I love the pop of turquoise. :)

    Jen @ Librarian for LifeStyle

  17. Miriam, this is such a lovely post! It's a topic that's near and dear to my heart. I am a personal stylist but I call myself a "dressing room counselor". A woman's self-value is so closely tied to those pesky numbers. It's so hard to remember that this body is just a temporary temple. We live in it for a little while, take care of it the best we can, then it fades away. I believe I am called to love myself and love my sisters, regardless of my size or their size. Thanks for posting and promoting an attitude of self-love. You look beautiful outwardly, and I can see that you have a beautiful heart as well. Hugs!!! ~Sarah

    1. I love the dressing room counselor term - so true and I totally agree with the things you say - we do need to love ourselves AND others

  18. I LOVE this dress - you look totally amazing. Shoes look amazing. You are so clever.

    As an adult, I have been 16kg lighter than I am now (I was a fit mountain biking triathlete once upon a time) and 5kg heavier than what I am now. I am currently doing a Spring into Summer programme to try and drop a few more kgs before summer. I have a few chins, some dimples on my arms and some solid thighs. But my calves are pretty shapely if I do say so myself, I have not a single stretch mark after 3 children (I know, whats with that) and I have some awesome jeans that I feel and look great in.

    My hubby loves me as I am. He is forever talling me how hot I am and complimenting me on how great I look. It makes me feel like a supermodel.

    Numbers are just what they are, numbers, they really mean nothing. Confidence to rock out your clothes, no matter the size, and a beautiful attitude - now thats what counts!

    1. Yes a good hubby can make a lot of difference to how one feels. I have a good one too - very grateful for that.

  19. those are some killer legs! Your calves look amazing in heels and oh, those are some AMAZMING shoes!


    just joined your linky party and followed ur blog.

    1. thank you so much! I've always had muscly legs but I do think the shoes are very complimentary to them

  20. What an amazing dress! I love the shoes too! I might have to do a post and link up here :) I am so glad you found my blog, yours is awesome!

    1. Hi Tammy - so pleased you decided to link in. It's lovely to have you with us!

  21. That is such a lovely dress - the shoes are so perfect with it.

    1. Thank you - I like the way they pull the colour out of the dress

  22. Such a cute dress, and what fun are those shoes!

  23. 1st I love your dress! I was looking for the designer when I realized you made it - amazing! 2nd thanks for your words. I've always been on the petite/small size but this past year I put on almost 20lbs, 10 of which I haven't been able to loose. Most of my friends say they haven't noticed but clothes stopped fitting and now when I go shopping I need a larger size. It was hard to deal with at first. Even though I knew I was no where near unhealthy it was hard not to feel heavy and unattractive.


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