
Friday, September 14, 2012


This week's happy memories:

exciting parcels in the mail (more about that next week)

and PR people who happily address your review parcel to your children, especially happy-making to a little one who has been asking for post a lot lately 'and I only wanted a letter but I got a whole parcel'.

exciting arrivals at the airport - home at last! and straight into reading tin tin, presents and playing the teddy game

exciting fashion shows  attended with bloggers

and a very  beautiful collection by our lovely friend Nin (feeling famous by association)

 I would so recommend going and having a browse in her online shop - so lovely.

cute notes written by a six-year-old for his fish (who was turning 102!) and displayed in front of the fish tank so he could read it (he is actually the fish who looks like he is reading it!!)

cute enquiries from a 3-year-old who wondered what to give a fish and if we could put the presents in the tank and would they get wet?

a bloggers get together on Monday night to do a swap - and the treats I got - thanks Treena

sunshine, hail, sleet, thunder and lightning storms all in the space of a week or so

and a delicious giveaway for this month as well
What things have you loved this week?


  1. Looks like such a great week! The fashion show looks like it would have been fun to attend!

    1. It was a really great event and of course super company too

  2. What a fun and varied week you have had! Love it all. Hope you've enjoyed Creationary too ;-)

  3. Oh wow that note to the fish!!!! How very cute - and your 3 year old too about the pressies!

    LOVE the fashion shoot pics and you look gorgeous. Must have been a lot of fun.

    And that Lego is definitely going on my Christmas list :) x Have a great weekend x

  4. Wow - looks like a big week! But a lovely one at that :) Hope you have a great weekend xx

    1. and a big Sunday following - looking forward to Monday!

  5. So lovely to see little ones miss their dad.

    1. oops - maybe I was obscure! It was uncle and aunty and I am so pleased that special bond is still there. Thanks for visiting

  6. Im so excited we are just beginning to get little 5yr old notes all round the place, heart melting stuff.
    Fashion week looks like heaps of fun
    Awesome post :)

    1. Thanks Stace. Those 5 yr old notes are so cool!


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