
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Make My Week #35 - For My Soul

Currently our church is putting together a prayer room.

A place for people to go and be and spend time with God whenever they want to - day or night.
I was asked to make some cushions for it. Do you remember those ornate hand-stitched cushions you sometimes see in the very old churches - beautiful pieces with hours and hours of work in them? 

These are the time poor 21st century version.

I was asked to do the 'kneel' one but I chose the words 'connect' and 'yield'. Because for me ultimately prayer is about that  - connecting with a God who loves us, who has walked as a human, who provides a way for us to have real connection.

And I chose yield because ultimately when I yield I find life and relationship that makes me free to be exactly who I am. When I let go and lay down the things I carry that aren't for me to control or worry about I find peace and I know I am safe in the arms of the one who carries me.

What words bring life to your soul?

Joining in with other creative people  - click on the Our Creative Spaces button on the right.


  1. Wonderful Miriam - the words you chose are just right, and the cushions themselves are beautiful. What a blessing this room (and those cushions!) will be.

  2. these are great, fresh and modern....I especially love the connect one ")

  3. They are lovely Miriam and I love the meaning and thought behind each. x

  4. LOVE these!
    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:


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