
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Make My Week #34 - More Money Cuffs and a Giveaway

So after you were all so lovely about my wrist cuffs I thought one would make a perfect giveaway for August. These are the latest ones I have made using the same tutorial as last time.
I've also made a little brooch for the winner of my last giveaway but I won't reveal that until it is safely with its new owner. I do like it though I might have to make one for myself even.
If you are a Christchurch person I would love to encourage you to get along to Crafty Christchurch in the GeoDome in Hagley Park - starting tonight and going through the weekend. Some of the Chch bloggers are going tonight if you want to gatecrash.
To see other crafty makes click on the creative spaces button on the right
to enter the giveaway let me know which money cuff fabric you like best if you follow this blog and want 2 entries just leave 2 comments (by email, or google reader/connect thingy! or however else you might follow). The photo with the cuffs open is the most representative of their actual colours. Have another cut out in the green seersucker (wrinkly) fabric as well so you have to imagine that one!
I am going to give away 2 of these one for anyone who enters and the other for followers of my blog. Not because I want you all to follow, unless you actually want to, in which case welcome!! but I want to acknowledge all the encouragement I get from you choosing to come along for the journey.
and if you don't want to enter please feel free just to leave a lovely comment but don't tell me which one you like best (clearly I love comments)
There are daffodils springing up in the garden - Spring is around the corner!


  1. LOVE the Dr. Seuss money cuff the most. LOVE Dr. Seuss, and these money cuffs are GENIUS! Been following you for a while. Hope I win! YAHOO!

  2. Thats a great collection... love the kiwi kombi!
    But I'm opting out, as my boys already have some :)

  3. They are so cool! I think the combi from cars would be pretty popular in our house! :)

  4. I've been waiting all day to enter this - I just asked my almost-five-year-old which one he thought was the coolest, and he said the combi van from Cars was awesome. So there you go! :) Great giveaway. I've been thinking on making money cuffs, but the zip scares me a bit I confess!

  5. What a fantastic idea. A money cuff. Great inspiration. Karen Came over to your site from Roz at Squiltz

  6. I like the bright elephant print one!

  7. Love the elephant one, they are so cool!

  8. Such a cute idea :) i love the elephant one too... and the ditzy flowers are sweet too!

  9. Gorgeous! How did I miss this?? Love the pale blue flowers or the wee elephants!

  10. What a brilliant idea! I'm afraid though that if I win I'll have to make one as well, as my boys will both want one! Personally, my favourite is the elephants, but Dr Seuss is always a winner with the small ones!

  11. oops, forgot to say the blue flowers is my fave!

  12. Hi Miriam,

    I know both my littlies would think these were great. I'm always finding coins ferreted away in pockets when I do the washing. They are almost three and almost five so love to carry their own money to the farmers markets and buy their vege treats (mostly red capsicum and snow peas).

    They are all cool, but I think the green combi van print would be most popular in this green loving (Sofia) and car loving (Sacha) household.

    On the aside. I have your blog marked as a regular read (along with about 4 others). You are an inspiration to me creatively and as a Mama. Thanks! :)

    Arohanui, Stacey xxx


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