
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Do You Have 8 Inches to Spare?

I was reading this post the other day on the Frugal Kiwi and I thought 'why not'?
Don't get me wrong I love my hair and but mainly it has grown to Biblical lengths because I am too lazy to maintain it. Growing up my mama's attitude was always that we could do whatever we liked to our hair because it would grow back. I pretty much always had long. By the end of high-school I could tuck my hair into the pockets of my jeans.
Today I made an appointment with the delightful Rebecca of Huntsbury Hair (really lovely salon if you live in Chch and really reasonable as well) and with her help I now have 10 inches of hair winging its way to America to be made into a free wig for a person suffering with cancer and hair loss.
I have donated mine to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths programme.
Last year a friend of mine shaved her head to raise money for a friend battling with cancer and I remember thinking how amazing that was - I must say I am too vain for that! But when I heard about this I felt like this was something I absolutely could do.
Unfortunately unless you want payment for your hair there doesn't seem to be anywhere in NZ you can do it and even if you do donate the recipient doesn't get the wig free.'s my new do! I am very happy with it and I hope my hair brings someone else encouragement at a difficult time for them.
You only need 8 inches minimum to send... do you have 8 to spare?? Thanks heaps to Frugal Kiwi for the inspiration and for helping me to flex my generosity muscle.


  1. Go you! Love it all in every which way possible :) mmmm... now to decide if I will do the same... I've had it one inch short a few times and well down to almost waist at others as I subscribe to your mum's philosophy of... it grows back :) It can do with a bit of a trim at the moment... decisions decisions :)

    1. I have to say it's always exciting to have a change and it's nice to do something fresh in the midst of winter - go for it I say!


    What a fab thing to do! And - bonus! You look totally fab too! Almost like a 50's hottie! You're going to rock those vintage dresses and your pinnie!

    Maybe some red lippy for when the hubby comes home? ;)

  3. WOW! I'm tempted to follow suit... Your new 'do' looks awesome!!!!!

  4. Wow! what an awesome thing to do and your new 'do' is gorgeous!!!

  5. I love it! Both what you're doing with your 'old' hair and how the 'new' hair looks now! Beautiful-er and beautiful-er, you are!

    1. awww thanks. I am pretty pleased with the new do - win, win

  6. Suits you! You look hot!
    I don't quite have 8 inches to spare sadly, but I have a friend with alopecia and she has some beautiful wigs, in a couple of different colours and styles so she can change her 'do' to match her outfits :)
    Some lucky person will be stoked to get your luscious locks!

    1. Hopefully I can imagine how much I would want one

  7. Very brave and kind thing to do Miriam. Why is it so hard to give our hair away. I once shaved mine for cancer too but unfortunately the hair (although not the sponsorship we raised) went to waste. You look gorgeous with your new do xo

    1. It's weird that is so hard to do and the cost of real hair wigs is astronomical

  8. do you think anyone would want a ginga wig? (hehe)

    1. I so would I adore the colour of your hair, really I really, really do!

  9. AMAZING! You look awsome BTW - I actually think it suits you shorter so BONUS all round!

    1. Thanks Simone - I think I'll be able to have some fun with it

  10. That is so awesome, my mom went through breast cancer, lost her hair and used wigs. I know this act will be truly appreciated by someone! Your new do looks great!

    1. Thanks Erin - I do hope that the person receiving the wig feels a sense of solidarity and encouragement from the act of another giving their hair for them

  11. Adorable haircut!! I bet it feels nice too. ;)

  12. Wow that's fantastic!!! I love it. By the way I notice you are doing replies here, does the person get an email too???

    1. Thanks Deb - I think they get an email if they check the tag to subscribe to comments under the box.... but you know me happily clueless!

  13. My daughter donated to Locks of Love last year! Such a lovely thing to do.:)

  14. You look gorgeous with your new look! I wish I could donate my hair but it was cut off almost 6 years ago.

    1. thanks so much. It was easy for me to do and my hair grows pretty quickly too

  15. what a sweet thing to do, miriam! i'll bet you feel lighter, don't you:)

  16. How did I miss this post? I've been meaning to say how much I love your new haircut, it really suits you. Now reading this I see how special it is! If only I had known about this, I would have joined you in donating my hair (although I'm not sure if mine was long enough... Ah well, maybe next time if my hair ever gets long enough again.


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