
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday Winter Staples

Nin has been focusing this month on wardrobe staples for winter. Mainly I've just been wearing whatever I like because, well because I want to find something fun in my wardrobe every day without thinking about rules too much.

This week I am wearing a denim skirt I made about 6 years ago. When I made it it finished just below my calf which as well as not being a great length on me also makes me look rather conservative and slightly like I may be part of a particular religious group (this is made even more so with my long hair).

This outfit works well for bike riding in the winter - although I am still wanting something like these gorgeous fingerless gloves. You can buy them on felt - best NZ crafty website.
Gorgeous assistant dressed himself. Photos - what can I say? Winter photography blues!

Skirt - made by me
Jacket - op shop hand me down
t-shirt - jay-jays about 4 years ago
Boots - bought in the UK
Tights bought in Turkey
Bad hair - naturally mine!
Wardrobe Wednesday at
What do you find yourself wearing again and again in winter?

More of what I am wearing on my blog
My what I am wearing board on Pinterest
Enter my giveaway for a stunning trade aid scarf here.


  1. I love these tights and the way that you've put it together! Inspired

    1. Patterned tights are such an easy option on a wintery day

  2. Love those tights! I totally forgot it was Wednesday!

    1. Yeah the holidays tend to blur the days for me too

  3. Love Bounce's hairstyle! Did he choose that bit of the outfit too?
    As for those tights- such fun! Looking great as always my dear :-)

  4. Thanks for linking to my fingerless gloves! I love your tights and the mix of colours in your outfit. x

    1. Pleasure I am looking forward to my order arriving!

  5. I LOVE your tights. So fun!


    1. thanks - I do have rather a lot of patterned tights

  6. You look fab! Love the velvet jacket :) And I get it with the length and long hair... for me it was getting another car that didn't make me look like I was part of our local religous group and I will never wear a scarf around my head in this area for that exact reason! Whether its in fashion or not :)

  7. I love the cut of that Velvet jacket - you look so cosy!


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