
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Snowflakes That Stay On Your Nose and Eyelashes

On Wednesday we had a 2 hour school day and whole lot of magical



and a friend coming for the night - whose plane was diverted to Nelson,transferred to a bus which got a flat tyre, stopped in Kaikoura for food to find there was no power and nothing could be bought, and all this for a work meeting.....

6 days into winter and we have SNOW!!

The awesome Atlas took all these pics. He's one of those Dad's that takes his boys to the park for an hour when he comes home early on a snowy day.


  1. What a drama for your poor friend!
    Isn't the snow beautiful. Our two little monsters had great fun with their Dad in the snow when he got home early. It was our wee man's first time out in the snow and he LOVED it! The biggest problem was getting him back inside!

  2. Ahhh that Atlas is a great Daddy. Hope you all had a good day :)

    So nice now the sun is out! I can see the snow steaming! :)


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