
Sunday, June 10, 2012

In Not-So-Real Life

As many of you would know acting, speaking, performing are things I love doing and things that ultimately I would like to make up a large part of how I make my life in the world.
So I thought I would share what our team got up to this year during the V48 Hours film making competition.
Each team is given a genre - ours was found footage.
Each team must also include a person - Nicky Brick and unlucky person, a shot - slow motion, a prop - a leaf and a line - 'I did that'. There are other demands on the team as well but you can check all of that out online if you want to. Including reviews etc.
We didn't make the regional finals but we did make a film.
Here it is!
Honeymoon from The Brainy Corporation on Vimeo.


  1. Good job Miriam and team!! What a hard genre!

    1. Yeah, we had some pretty crazy ideas for it (after we had looked up what it meant on wikipdedia!!)

  2. Poor Nicky brick! You all did great. This was very intriguing to watch xx meg

    1. I love watching the films everyone made there is such diversity - it's pretty amazing!

  3. Wow! Very hard hitting. What a great job!

    1. Thank you - we had a heap of fun making it!


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