
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Would You, If You Could? + giveaway

A while ago a few of us blogged about our dreams... you know those things we don't want to talk about because you fear they will never happen, or people will judge you, or you will sound silly.
At the same time I was approached by a New Zealander Jolene Stockman who had written an e-book about this topic. She asked me if I would consider reviewing her book. A big risk for her (this book is her baby) and for me (what if I didn't like it?)
But I did like it.
Jolene has written this book specifically with teenagers in mind but that does not mean it can't be appreciated by adults as well. Her book is called 'Total Blueprint for World Domination'.

It is a book that brims with passion and enthusiasm for making your personal dreams a reality, but it is much more than a 'you can do it' motivation guide. The book is also a workbook at the end of each chapter there are places to pause, questions to ask yourself and exercises to do.       `````
And it takes things a step further - it asks you to go to the edges of your dream and work backwards in steps to look at what you can do right now to make those things happen. For me this was the chapter that was most valuable and challenging. It's all too easy to dream, to talk about what you want to be 'when I grow up' but not to actively pursue that by the things I am doing now.
The book is very readable. It isn't long or arduous but it is a book you can really take time over and let it challenge your behaviour and your thinking if you want to.
Here are two of my favourite quotes from the book:
Feel the incredible deliciousness of being able to do something right now.
You have always made a difference from the time you entered the world to this moment sitting in your skin. You affect people around you. You affect the world. Everything you do, and everything your don't make a difference right this second. Whether you mean to or not.
Jolene has been working hard to make her own dreams realities and I think she is a wonderful example in a long line of New Zealanders and women who have chosen to make and be the future they dream of. Jolene has generously decided to donate 2 of her books to readers here as a kindle book or PDF .
Leave me a comment, tell me your dream, tell me about a person that inspires you or just tell me I'm awesome!
2 winners drawn in 2 weeks time May 25th
extra entries if you share through your platforms - blog, tweet, fb...


  1. Your the last person i would imagine benefiting from a motivation book you have so much get up and go already! I'd love to read it as i'm a great believer in motivational approaches ( i used motivational interviewing every day in my pre-claud life) have a great weekend x

    1. Lots of get up and go but perhaps not as much work on the ground as needed!! I'm intrigued by your pre-claud job now!!

  2. Miriam, you're awesome at it's awesomest!
    My dream is that when Isaac grows up, he will be able to walk "normally" and not need to use a walker or wheelchair, and that he will be physically and mentally helathy.

    1. Tui that is such a gorgeous dream and one I sincerely hope comes to pass for you!

  3. Easy. Your awesome - truly you are. I have lots of dreams in different areas of my life, but I guess they are all aiming at the big Kahuna - I really want to achieve home ownership so we can create a space for our family that is our own.


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