
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday - The Final Remix

It's been great seeing how people remix a garment different ways But I have found it a bit commitment to actively wear the same thing once a week - I am a variety lover after all.

It's not to say I don't wear a lot of things over and over but when I have to wear something it feels like a 'uniform' - I know I am strange.

So here is my final remix styled up with some tights I was given by a friend who bought them and then didn't like them on herself and a wee cardi thingy I picked up with a voucher I had - from Farmers - it was half of the on special price - whoop!

Here's the months line-up - What is your fav?

I quite like the first one I think - I'm so in love with that belt!

Other lovelies over here
  Wardrobe Wednesday at


  1. Well as always you look LOVELY! I dont remember your little cardi being shiney, but it looks it in these photos.

    Fab fab fab :)xx

    1. thanks, I'd probably changed out of the cardi by the time I saw y'all that night :o)

  2. Yeah I'm quite looking forward to not having to wear a certain garment every week. I love that little blue jacket, but my favourite outfit is with the yellow belt....if you've got it, flaunt it I say!

    1. Yes or at least flaunt your best bits in the hope no-one will notice the rest

  3. I'm with you, that is a great belt. And the little jacket/cardigan...adorable!

    1. thanks it was the cardi's first outing so I'm glad it was a success

  4. Looks fantastic! Dont know that I could pick a favourite but I am loving you shoes!

    1. thanks, I do love a good pair of heels - shame they are so difficult to bike in!!

  5. What a gorgeous jacket! I think my favourite is the red remix - but you knew I was going to say that, right? Beautiful as always!

    1. thanks! I had figured you would pick the red

  6. My fav is the little yellow belt - so cute... I want one!

  7. Very cute - I'm a sucker for that blue. I like them all. It's so weird that the weather is getting colder where you are...


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