
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Make My Week #17 - map bunting

A very quick and easy project this week.

I actually have a set of this planned with letters stenciled onto it for the boys' room but I can't find my letter stencil so you'll have to enjoy the second set.

At the moment I have just pinned it above our bed, temporarily.

The maps are from the 1950s and 1960s and I could only bring myself to cut them up because they were deteriorating.

I have got a gorgeous pile of ones in pristine condition dating to the 1930s - mainly from national geographic magazines that I picked up for about $1. The Atlas and I will have to decide what to do with these ones.

More creative people here.


  1. Brilliant idea! They look amazing. (And I think I might just have just come up with another idea that is map related...)
    Happy creating! :)

  2. I love old maps - this is such a good use for them and so 'you' :)

    1. I know I'm turning into a geography geek by association - I blame The Atlas!

  3. That looks fabulous! I can see how you would be anxious about chopping up something so old- but whats the use of having them sitting in a draw right?

    xo em

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! I feel very special that you've come to visit!


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