
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday #13, Make My Week#13, Mad Men Challenge #2

Here I am again with a triple post! This is my second offering as part of adorable Julia's Mad Men Challenge.

This is my version of the 'wiggle dress' which seems to feature prominently in the series and also heavily inspired by the Joan 'va-va -voom' Holloway character - who has a seriously womanly figure.

When I made this dress I added quite a lot in the bust department (about 2 sizes worth) but when I finished it my 'cup was running over', if you know what I mean!! So I added in the pleated section along the neckline in the reverse of the fabric.

To stop it being too dated looking I added the exposed zip on the back and used more modern jewellery.
The fabric is the same old curtain I used for the top of my other mad men dress. I do love this colour. I also added in the blue velvet ribbon as a little bit of detail and ......I did a blind hem (my mother will be so proud).

Teamed up with:
Earrings - Budapest on our 5th wedding anniversary, Necklace - Trade Aid, Rings - D/K c/o- my sis, Greek inscription ring I designed and The Atlas got made for our 2nd anniversary, Shoes - TKmaxx in the UK.

Pop over and see what other people are wearing at Nin's the theme for March is Homemade!

Also linking in on Thursday with other Creative Spaces
 Pretty new to all this blogger stuff so feel free to give me pointers. You can see all my other posts over here.


  1. Ooh! Am I the first to comment on your brand spanking new blog?!
    Welcome to blogger :-)

  2. Thanks!! I'm still feeling a bit new with it all!

  3. That dress is amazing miriam-the pleats and zip really make it, clearly you have va vapom aplenty too, its beautifully fitted. Right off follow, copy buttons etc... Ps cant make it monday, clauds swimming lesson but see thee soon x

  4. I love your dress. Great fit and detailing - I particularly love the pleats and trim at the front.


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