
Monday, November 26, 2018

Bookish - the next person you meet in heaven

Heya Readers,

It's getting to the Christmas Season and I'm trying to make the most of times where I'm sitting waiting for dance rehearsals to finish or just snatching moments here and there. Last year and this year I've kept a record of all the books I've read cover to cover. (Or finished reading if I started last year!). In this list I count longer non-fiction, novels, YA novels and children's novels but not picture books.

My list currently sits at about 40. So I feel like that's pretty good for a year where I've been studying part time, working part time and being a parent and partner.

Mitch Albom's book the next person you meet in heaven (the lowercase is how the title is written on the book) is a sequel to his best selling The Five People You Meet in Heaven. 

Now I must confess I haven't read the first book and it didn't matter at all. The narrative stands alone. Although, now that I have read it I'm very keen to read the other.

Albom has a really unique style of writing. It feels almost like spoken poetry. There is an immediacy to it and it lacks long descriptive passages. It is very different in its writing style to anything else I can think of.

I so enjoyed this book. It is brutal and beautiful and heartfelt without being wish-washy emotional. The story follows Annie (who was rescued by Eddie in the first book) on her wedding day and what will be a difficult 24 hours ahead. It is so readable as well. I started it and finished it in a short amount of time because the writing style is so pacey.

I don't want to say anymore about the plot because I do hate spoilers before I have read something. I would just say read it, buy it for someone you know who enjoys reading. Curl up in a cheeky corner somewhere and eat it up.

Details - Hachette NZ, October 2018 RRP $34.99 HB

love you more than a dog and girl who both need rescuing xxx