
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Bookish - A Māori Word a Day

Ngā mihi koutou,

I love that there seems to be a groundswell (in my circles anyway) of people who are hungry to extend their knowledge of Te Reo Māori. As part of my learning journey I receive an email every day with a word and sentence and so I was thrilled to see Hēmi Kelly's book A Māori Word a Day come out too.

The book is beautifully laid out with a Māori word, it's definition and classification and a couple of rad sentences you can use with the word in it. One for every day of the year.

The book is a really nice size too so you could easily pop it on your desk at work or in a draw that's handy so you can try out your kupu hou (new words).

There is a pronunciation guide at the front and the great thing about Māori is that once you have that nailed down you can work out any word.

If you are wanting to go on a journey to use Te Reo or enhance the quantity you have this is an excellent resource.

Details - Penguin Random House, February 2018 RRP $30.00

love you more than a kaputī (cup of tea) xxx

Friday, February 23, 2018

Makery Stitchery

Hi :-)

Part of my creative practice last year as been linked to my faith. Picking up a needle and thread and 
engaging with stitching as prayer.

While we were away over the summer holidays I stitched this prayer that I had found.

I just stitch free-hand and I like the way it's all a bit wonky - imperfect like me, joyful all the same.

It's stitched on old linen type fabric I've had in stash for ages and just using threads in my embroidery case.

A project for taking time with.

love you more than a simple-soul fill xxx

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Bookish - We Own the Sky

Hi Hi,

When we got back from our holidays I was delighted to find some novels waiting to be read, to accompany the rather large stack of second hand books I may have purchased overseas! ahem.

We Own the Sky by Luke Allnutt was one I absolutely devoured.

It kept me up reading too late and made me messy cry. The story follows Rob, Anna and their son Jack along a path no one wants to journey. Life shattering and devastating circumstances leave them navigating unknown waters and questioning themselves.

This is the first work by Allnutt that I have read and I really enjoyed his writing style.

A moving and wonderful, heartbreaking read.

Details - Hachette NZ, February 2018 RRP $34.99

love you more than a box of tissues on hand xxx

Friday, February 16, 2018

Makery - Jasper Sweater Dress


Well you might be forgiven for thinking I've really stopped making things but really I've stopped being so good at taking pictures and writing blog posts - although I suspect I am not alone in this!

Last year I saw a gorgeous rendition of the Jasper Sweater dress by Paprika Patterns and I really wanted one myself. Maybe it's nostalgia - I had one when I was about 11 and I felt fabulous in it! My mama made us quite a lot of clothing growing up and I do look back on them now with great fondness.

I also remember throwing up all over my step-brother while wearing it, but that is a post for another time!

The dress is pretty simple to make with the exception of the welt pockets. I have made welt pockets before (not in stretch) and I've always found the physics of the them a little challenging but got there in the end. I'm not sure entirely what went wrong here. There is both instructions and an online photo tutorial - maybe I overloaded?

After I unpicked something 3 times (a record!) I reminded myself I am not a perfectionist and finished was the goal.

I love the finished product. The navy velveteen and buttons had been in my stash for ages and the organic terry was a purchase towards the end of last year.

What's on your comfiest outfit list and would you wear a hoodie as a dress?

love you more than a matching seam stripe xxx

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Bookish - I Am Jellyfish

Heya Friends,

I hope your summer was full of books! I read quite a few which I loved. This year I'm going to be doing some study which means I might not have as much relaxation reading space in my life!

I Am Jellyfish by Ruth Paul is a gorgeous picture book. The rhyme scheme works beautifully  and the overall message of being who you are is a lovely one.

I love the line, "I am what I am, I know what I know, the darker the depths, the brighter I glow."

Having visited the Vancouver aquarium and fallen in love with the jellyfish there I know I'm going to especially enjoy sharing this story and my photos with children.

A wonderful Kiwi author and illustrator and a joyful read.

Details - Penguin Random House, Feb 2018 RRP $19.99

love you more than a glow-in-the-dark cover xxx

Monday, February 5, 2018

More of the Dresses


Dressember was such an amazing experience. Along with all those amazing people who sponsored me and others all around the world over $2 million was raised to support those caught in cycles of slavery.


Working together we achieve so much more.

Hope your 2018 has started really well - can you believe we are in February already?

May you have all the creative and world changing adventures you hope for this year!

love you more than a fabulous outfit xxx