
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Summer Reading

Hey Y'all,

It's summer here in the southern lands and that definitely means the lingering hope of lazy days spent under trees watching clouds and reading easy books. In reality I probably never actually read outside under a tree - I'm not sure it would be that comfortable!

Recently I received Carole Matthews latest book Paper Hearts and Summer Kisses to read.

Let it be said straight up that I'm always keen to read books that feature a crafty/makery kind of protagonist and this book delivers.

Meet Christie Chapman, solo mum, doing it tough with a long commute into London (The Atlas had a very long commute on all the jobs he worked in London too) and a job that doesn't inspire. She has an adored teenage son, an obsession with the craft channel, too many pets (depending on who you ask) and wonderful parents who help her keep the balls in the air.

The book profiles the rise, or will it be a fall?, of her crafty skills and the hard job of parenting when things don't always turn up roses. For the scrapbooker there is all sorts of fantasy scenes with products and making galore.

There is some romantic interest and a wonderful llama date... how badly could a llama date go? But it's more grown up with a (happy) lack of super raunchy scenes or heavy breathing in the mix.

Verdict? It's a fun read, on the whole fairly unrealistic but let's face it we don't read summer, crafty romances for a dose of it's never going to work out in the end overtones. Perfect for escaping into and possibly encouraging you not to make the resolution of not purchasing any more craft materials in the new year.

Would I read this author again - yes indeed.

What are you reading this summer?
And what is your preferred reading location?
Mine is a nice light, inside spot, with bubbly water and a cool breeze.

Details - Paper Hearts and Summer Kisses, Hachette NZ 22nd Dec 2016, RRP $29.99 also available as an ebook. 

Thanks to Hachette NZ for an advanced reading copy. Opinions obviously my very own.

love you more than a crafty fantasy that involves being given a wonderful stash of grandma's fabric xxx

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hello Birthday


I'm firmly in the celebrate birthday camp. I'm so blessed to have had 39 years here and I'm all for a day of laughing and enjoying myself.

On my birthday I tell pretty much everyone - the lady at the supermarket checkout if she asks how my day is, anyone I'm having a meeting with, I take chocolate to work. I believe in celebration and I'm not about to sit a day out thinking 'no-one remembered' and feeling sad.

I'm going to help them remember. ;-)

I'm not demanding anything from anyone, other than a willingness to enter the celebration of the fact we share life together.

I hope that my happiness to celebrate rubs off on other people and that their day is better for having enjoyed a hug or a happy exchange on my birthday.

As an aside, you know you are a mother when you are rummaging with your hand in your handbag searching for a lipstick and you find a nerfgun bullet (toy! no real guns in this house!) instead.

Happy birthday me - here I am looking not my best! May we all be unashamedly ourselves everyday of the year!

love you more than caramel salted brownie xxx