
Friday, February 26, 2016

School Days

The boys school has an amazing PE teacher, one of those teachers that goes above and beyond all.the.time.

Week 2 for Flip kicked off with an ironman - 100m swim, 2km bike ride and 1km swim. All the year 5-10 (9-14 year olds) children participated. Some did it as individuals and some in teams.

Flip competed as an individual.

The following week Bounce had a triathlon for all the rest of the school children. The very smallest children (8 of them) did a duathlon in teams but all the rest did 3 events - teams and individuals.

Bounce competed as an individual.

Both of them did so well. The are persevere kids rather than fierce competitors but they are able too. We got 7th and 3rd so that's nothing to sneeze at.

Gorgeous kids.

love you more than a sore from cheering throat xxx

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Makey-Makey Masks

So I whipped up a couple of super hero masks.

It was one of those spontaneous had an idea and made it things.

Believe me, I know these look odd and they look even worse on! (not that they're for me to wear)

So... a random make for sharing. All from stash at least.
What random thing have you whipped up lately?

love you more than a random project xxx

Monday, February 22, 2016

In the Kitchen

I'm back in NZ so it must be time to make lolly cake.... I haven't seen eskimo lollies for 2 years.

New Zealanders are pretty committed to their lollies it would seem, especially ones that involve marshmallow or similar. Don't believe me? Let me just say...

marshmallows, chew bars, buzz bars, pinky bars, perky nanas, pineapple lumps, eskimos, fruit puffs....

love you more than a green eskimo xxx

Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Long Goodbye

Hello again!

A photo rich post for Grandad who has been missing the photos. These are zoo-ish photos only - there will be others coming.

It seems an age since we left Adelaide and there were so many great things I wanted to share. Moving however puts paid to thoughts of lazy evenings typing... maybe I'll get there still.

We had almost 3 weeks of January before we flew back to NZ. We stayed with friends, swam, zoo'd, library'd, picnic'd and enjoyed whilst trying to keep cool in the high 30s. No doubt my dear Adelaide friends are hitting greater highs as February rolls along.

These are some of our very last zoo memories - watching the boys up close with the quokkas and kangaroos was pretty special.

The chance to be so close to the animals is such a great part of the zoo.

Adelaide was an amazing adventure for us - as a family it gave us a time to bond and adventure together that we wouldn't have done in NZ, it also gave us a cultural experience NZers and Aussies have their own unique ways of doing things.

We loved our time there and we are re-living the adventure with all the fondness of hindsight and cooler temperatures.

Wherever you are today I hope that you find yourself in good company, because really that makes all the difference.

love you more than feeding time at the zoo xxxx