
Friday, January 31, 2014

10 Resolutions I Plan on Keeping

Now I know all about the usual – eat well exercise more - types that last until about the 3rd of January but these are 10 resolutions I think we all need to make a commitment to this year.

1. Do not sniff underwear – yes I know you do the lion’s share of laundry and the tidy-your-room-by-throwing-all-the-clothes-in-the-laundry-hamper breaks your heart, but it is time to give up and stop sniffing those undies on the floor as you tidy. You will always regret it. Stop. Just wash the darn things.

2. If you must run do it with wet wipes tucked into your bra – at some point you will be caught out. You can thank me later.

3. Write it down as soon as you think about it – you will not remember it 5 minutes time and it will make you mad.

4. Keep your library receipts – it will happen, you will lose one under the couch and you won’t remember until you get a letter from the library. Keep the docket and tick them off – it’s geeky but (I hope) it works.

5. Throw out your threadbare underwear – at some point some family member or friend (probably your Father or Mother in law) will bring in your washing from the line and you will regret your tardiness at underwear maintenance. This also applies to anything with questionable staining – enough said.

6. Drink more water – yawn, yawn I know but if you have a big drink right now you might not be self medicating that dehydration headache this afternoon with dark chocolate and panadol – on second thoughts just keep the cupboard stocked with dark (fair trade) chocolate.

7. Buy a lingerie bag for your washing machine – or just keep cursing and yanking as you try to get your washing out and bra hooks are snagged in everything and making ladders in your stockings. Also I think maybe do up the bra hooks before you wash them…. Is that something I should be doing? I blame my mother for not teaching me these things.

8. Learn your own mobile number – are you not ashamed of having to look this up every time someone asks you? Think of it as brain gym and feel smug later.

9. When you answer the phone and there is a click/dialing noise and silence hang up – in 5 seconds time you will be talking to a tele-marketer, every time. It is not a relative from overseas or first prize in that lottery you never entered. Just hang up.

10. Buy a decent pillow – it continues to surprise me why I sleep on a pillow that is not perfect. Every single night. 

Here’s to a successful 2014 I think these are resolutions we can all manage and none of us will regret. Now grab a glass of water and get into that undi draw.

What's your number one resolution?

Love you more than an avoided tele-marketer call xxx

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Make My Week - The Tale Ends from 2013

Okay so this is my last post for the day - pinky promise! What can I say - oh it's nice to be online again :o) 

Yeah I know a month late right?

I have actually got more things to show you from this year and I am interested to see how this year will unfold with makingness…. I have some ideas.

I bought the fabric for this dress from an op-shop in Russell when we were up in Northland in winter last year and used a pattern from the family collection that my mother made for my sister when she was in high-school. I had to let the front darts out completely and it’s a little snug round the hips but overall I like it.

I also added the red insert into the back V which proves too deep for the sort of structured undergarments I now require. It's a little bunchy and tight here and there but what's life without a little seam pressure risk now and again?

Wearing with the most wonderful bird earrings in the world (thanks Juliet!)
A necklace from Freedom Creative
Shrug from Farmers (The Farmers to you mum!)
Shoes - op shop

Joining in with Leonie and Kelly.

 Show & Tell Thursday's

Love you more than a well fitted silhouette (I find that word impossible to spell) xxx

Like, Project 52, several weeks late – again!

I believe I started this late last year also but this year at least my lack of internetness has been a decent excuse.
Here’s some favourites from our first 4 weeks:
(I am trying very hard to just have one of each, each week this year... let's see how that goes.)

Enjoying the pool - oh mercy has that pool been a life saver in the heat.

Spending pleasant time together

On adventures around the city we found fountains full of water toys - love this. Obviously we went home pretty wet.

First day of school 2014

Love you more than an email photo overload xxx

So, um, Hi – should we hug?

Yeah Hi. Just so you know I still like, totally love you and stuff.

It’s just that I haven’t had the internet – at all.

So you can now expect regular programming of some sort to resume. I’m not exactly what it will look like but it will be me in full-living-type.

Okay – shall we have a hug? It’s been a while.

Love you more than the day the modem arrived and then didn't work and then the next day when a proper technician turned up and fixed. 
Those are the best days xxxx

Thursday, January 9, 2014


With no internet at this point posts might be a little sketchy.. but we are here

the sky is a 'drier' blue colour

there is a vibrant food hall down the road and the boys are making the most of the pool

it's hard to believe this is where we live now (not that we have a permenant abode yet)

so just sending you a little cyber hug and hoping to be back to usual programming here soon

love you more than free wi-fi xxx


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Advent Swap

Lovely Cat has been so, so good to me and due to family emergencies and house packing and other such events I haven't blogged them so buckle up and be inspired by her creativity, generosity and thoughtfulness.

and for my wee boys too

Thanks so much Cat for a wonderful December. You are a beautiful woman xxxx

love you more than a present coma xxxx

Make My Week - Catching Up

I did actually make at least 52 things last year but as I missed the last couple of weeks this is a catch up.

I made this for my big boy - I found the fabric at the make cafe and had to have it for my very own "sam I am". A friend suggested the NZ for my map lover soon to be Australian dweller. I'm really pleased with the accuracy of NZ, especially as my own geography is pretty rotten - good thing I married The Atlas.

He opened it on Christmas morning and absolutely loves it, it's such a gorgeous colour on him too. The hoodie is from AS colour.

Joining in with the ever effervescent Leonie
 Show & Tell Thursday's

Love you more than a pleasing finish xxx

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

51 and 52 of 52 aka photo-rama

A collection to end the year

final assembly

Last days at school

production and athletics day by one of the dad's from Bounce's class who gave us all photos of our children

Christmas PJs

Christmas Day

and reading with a special little cousie

and New Years Eve at Scorching Bay

Love you more than a project submitted on time xxx