Friday, April 5, 2013

It's Friday

I can't work out of I have a cold or hay fever but I may have blown my nose on my pyjama shirt the other day when I was on Skype with Meghan - I know, really not a fine moment!

Last weekend we had some lovely, patient big boys to stay

Easter Egg Hunts are cool

If I suddenly died and had an autopsy do you think they would think less of me because my last meal was marshmallows, left over Easter eggs and uncooked cookie dough..... (sorry mama!!)

In 7 more sleeps Christchurch is due to host some very fine blogging ladies for a special get together over the weekend... I think the to do list is shrinking (at least it would if I stopped thinking of more jobs that I should be doing)

I have some new lovely art on the wall inspired (huh!) by my blog made for me

I got this lovely parcel from a friend I helped out the other day...

the garden is covered in weeds.... not that I'm doing anything about it.... it's just a fact

special family coming for the weekend

Pop up street art/ interactive spaces

that's about all I can manage for cohesive thought...if you can call it that

other more cohesive thinkers over Meghan's way
(I am loving these things - even the not cool ones are kinda funny/smile worthy in their own weird way)

Do enter this cool giveaway and the winner of the cupcake cases is lovely Leonie 


Meghan Maloney Photography said...

Ha ha - yes I think you did (wipe your nose on your pyjamas that is!) But I'd have done exactly the same :-) One week and counting....!

Schulz Family said...

morning miriam. Why are so many Kiwi mummies up so early this morning. Goodness I am in my dressing gown and doing this but it seems half of NZ is awake and on the run already. Though you could look amazing if you scheduled the posts!!! I am sorry to not be able to do the bloggers get together but I know you will all have an awesome time.

Mon said...

Haha you crack me up! Easter eggs and uncooked cookie dough make a fine meal substitute right?


Max said...

heh heh, a sleeve is a hanky you can't loose! i have tonsillitis. i'm loving that i got it now and not this time next week!

Leonie said...

Bugs go away! - funny post Miriam x

TracyP said...

I am so wishing I could come to the Bloggers weekend, maybe I will be able to wrangle it for next time!!

Jen said...

Aww, I always confuse Hayfever with being sick too, but I'm going to sadly say that you must be sick :( I get really bad hayfever and I haven't been sneezing lately! :( I hope you get better soon, a spoonful of local honey helps the immune system ^____^! Perhaps you could start doing that (and for your whole family) to get ready for the Winter germs :) Plus it also helps with hayfever! I've been doing it the last year and this Summer it's been better, still bad (I seriously DIE from hayfever), but better than other years :)

Clare Hubbard said...

Love your list and the fact that there is less than a week until so many great bloggers converge on Chch! I will be there in spirit ~ hopefully when we return to NZ I can come one day. I hope for that! Have a great time ~ I can't wait to read all the blog posts from everyone's time there ;)