
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Holiday Makes

one thing i love about holidays is the enforced effort to find a small craft to do

Last year I went to a class to learn how to make these necklaces and so I took all the bits with me on holiday and whipped some up for the present box.

Everything I needed fitted into a small drawstring bag which is a good thing because the rest of the car was jam-packed with ..... well who needs a list.

I'm still getting it all perfect but I am pleased with these and I already have plans for some new homes for a few of them.

Joining in with lovely Leonie and looking forward to seeing what everyone else is making too!
 Show & Tell Thursday's


  1. Ohh they look pretty & fun! - yay for quick and crafty and portable! x

  2. These are GORGEOUS Miriam - I love them - especially the TinTin one and the hmm - is it a map? one :-)

  3. I love that tintin one, and using a map is a great idea too...I can these being addictive :)))

  4. great necklace pendants!
    hmmm did you get those from
    or Hands?
    Love making those necklaces - so easy... but all mine went to displays at trade shows... not to keep... looks like I should make some for me. ;)

  5. Totally FAB - I too am in the TinTin apprecation society.

  6. They are fabulous Miriam! I'm so impressed!!

  7. I love these necklaces, very cute!


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