It's Friday again. Day for reflecting on the week that was and the joys that have accompanied it.

Favourite images of the week are these 2 friends at the kindy 'breakfast, wear your PJs' party.

This week I've also loved catching up with friends and sharing special moments of life together. I definitely measure friendships in the levels of sharing given and received. When people share the journey's of their hearts with me I feel that deep sense of privilege and joy in their trust.

I've also loved making this bread for the first time. For kiwi's I'd say very similar to vogel's bread. It has 2 cups of seeds in it (I used Chia, Sunflower and Pumpkin) and it is a no knead bread as well! Whoop! One loaf did explode rather ungraciously in the oven but I can forgive it for that. Make again? Yes. Online recipe here. I also managed to stab myself with a sharp piece of crust on the edge of one loaf (check out those mean jagged edges!) and I drew blood! I kid you not - blood people.

I also picked myself up some very 80s? pumps in orange from an op-shop this week, they called out to me and I don't think Deb would have wanted them!

Oh and before I go all missing my 'planned giveaway each month' here is one for June. This is a beautiful long oblong/rectangle shaped 100% silk scarf from Trade Aid - which means not only is it gorgeous it is also ethically made and the makers receive fair wages.

What isn't to love? Enter by leaving a comment and if you are a follower by email or google or some other way leave me another comment and you'll get 2 entries. Happy to send it anywhere in the world - I'm not sure about inter-galactic postage it seems too unpredictable!

Entries close 10th of July. Winner chosen out of a hat by one of my delicious children
What has made you smile this week?
and just to make me happy and hopefully inspire me for some creative endeavour what is your favourite colour combination?
Joining in gratefully

I love the idea of a kindy breakfast. Seeing your kids have special times with their friends is so wonderful. That bread looks goooooooooood - just like Vogels! Love the shoes! And finally, I love that scarf. Please enter me in the draw!
Also, I'm a follower, so can I have another entry? Thanks! (I really like it.)
Also also, some colour combos I love are red with white polkadots, and coral/aqua or sea foam green.
Cute PJ buddies! Your bread looks delicious (if violent!) and the shoes are super-cute.
Gorgeous scarf, too - yey for Trade Aid xx
Oooh count me in! :)
Love the vibrant colours! Count me in :-) (I am- of course- I'm a follower!)
The kindy breakfast looks lots of fun. Great to see Bounce having such a great time with his friend.
Count me in too, Love the pumps, good score!
What a great week! That bread looks perfect haven't made any for ages so will give it a whirl. Scarf and shoes LOVE!
Melissa @ www.thebestnest.co.nz
Love the pj party...what fun! That bread looks delish, I'm definitely gonna check it out. And that scarf...wow!
the bread is good I got a text from The Atlas at lunchtime to tell me so! and it is really easy!
of course and I think it would really suit you!
very impressed you've managed to find time to read and leave a comment with your new obsession/arrival!
will do!
it is so cute to see them together
yeah now I just have to work out an outfit to wear with them!
thanks Melissa it's a great one to dip your toes in the water with because it is so easy
it is a really beautiful scarf
Cute photo of the two of them smiling into each others faces :) And yum I love that bread, I agree it is so like Vogels!... and yip those edges are definately sharp and nasty... been pricked under my nail before!
Plus what a beautiful scarf, that would definately brighten up a winters day :)
As for favourite colour combo - pale blue and red at the moment.
I have to try out that bread - despite the risk of personal injury! I love Vogels, but its too expensive to buy every week. Great shoes - I wish I had had time to hit the op shops with you guys last week.
Please count me in for the scarf giveaway - I'm loving orange at the moment, by my all time favourite colour combo is navy and white.
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